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How to register a trademark in Brazil?

Registro de marca en Brazil - Legal Core Group


Registro de marca en Brazil - Legal Core Group

Brazil is the main economy in Latin America, number 12 in the world by volume of GDP and has a market of 200 million people. The country is also part of the Agreement called “Common Market of the South” (MERCOSUR), along with Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.

If you are looking to expand your business to Brazil, your trademarks should be registered in that country to be protected. Trademark in Brazil ar registered before the for your business to the Instituto Nacional da Propriedade Industrial which receives approximately 300,000 applications per year.

If you wish to expand your business to Brazil and want to protect your trademarks in that country, find below all the FAQs related.

How to register a trademark in Brazil?

Trademarks in Brazil are registered filing an application before the Instituto Nacional da Propiedade Industrial (INPI). Before submitting the application, it is essential to carry out an exhaustive background search to confirm that there are no identical or similar trademarks to the one sought.

How are trademarks classified in Brazil?

Brazil uses the Niza Classification for Trademark registration

How long is a trademark registered for in Brazil?

Registered trademarks in Brazil are valid for a period of 10 years from its registration date and can be renewed indefinitely for successive periods of 10 years at the request of the owner.

How long does the registration process take for a trademark to be registered in Brazil?

The process can take up to 36 months, so once it has been decided to expand the business to that country, it is suggested to start the registration application as soon as possible.

What are the benefits of registering a trademark in Brazil?

Through the registration of the trademark in Brazil, the exclusivity to use it within said territory is obtained. This allows you to exclude third parties from using it, to be able to grant licenses and franchises, among others.

Does Legal Core Group register trademarks in Brazil?

Yes, at Legal Core Group we have Partners in Brazil to protect your intellectual property rights in that country.

Contact us at to start your trademark registration in Brazil today.


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